Integrated Annual Report 2015



Our Workforce

Managers and directors
Female (%) Male (%)
21 79
Hiring breakdown by gender
Gender People hired
Female 126
Male 289
Total 415
Hiring breakdown by age %
Less than 30 29
Between 30 and 50 60
Between 51 and 70 11
Total 100
Our workforce
Type of employment Female (%) Male (%)
Administrative 35 65
Directors 0 100
Managers 27 73
Operational 7 93
Sales 50 50
Total 28% 72%

Hirings by region

Hirings by age

Category %
19 4
20 4
21 9
22 9
23 14
24 30
25 39
26 31
27 24
28 25
29 21
30 21
Category %
31 18
32 19
33 15
34 20
35 12
36 22
37 14
38 5
39 11
40 5
41 4
42 5
Category %
43 12
44 5
45 2
46 3
47 1
48 3
50 3
51 1
52 1
54 1
63 1
64 1
Total 415