Integrated Annual Report 2015



Our people

We maintain a strong commitment to our workers and for that reason we invest in programs and tools to assure a working environment that is healthy and equitable, and which encourages professional growth and development.


Ethics and integrity G4-56, G4-57, G4-58, G4-HR6

At Pochteca we promote equal opportunities, which is why 100% of our associates are given training in our Code of Ethics as part of their induction process. In addition, we periodically re-certify this training through the mechanism of the Pochteca Virtual University (UVP).

We also have the “line of transparency” tool, which is an open line to all personnel and which allows for anonymous reports regarding any situation that fails to comply with the Code.

We reject child and forced labor, and our contracts are in compliance with Mexico’s Federal Labor Law. In the same way, we seek to be an inclusive company, and as such we do not discriminate based on race, sex, age, marital status, religion, physical abilities, sexual preference, political orientation or social class.

For additional information on our Code of Ethics, see:

Furthermore, we have prepared a series of regulations and internal policies that complement our Code of Ethics such as: non-disclosure agreements, unfair competition and information management, our internal work regulations, IMS (Integrated Management System) policy and credit policy.

We believe it is of essential importance to the company that we transmit these values to the families of our workers, and to that end, in 2015 we held a comics competition based on values. The competition was led by the children of our associates with their parents’ support.

We have an internal company auditing process through which we conduct regularly programmed audits based on the risks posed by each operation. The results of our findings and follow-up are reported to the Board of Directors, including those cases in which deviations from any element of control and good practices are detected, including corruption risks.

G4-10, G4-LA1, LA12
During 2015 we had no confirmed reports of corruption-related activity. We have no policies or mechanisms that support any political parties, candidates, or specific causes.