The sale of some of the items included in our product portfolio is regulated by Mexico’s Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS); the regulated products are classified as “essential chemicals”. Moreover, we work to assure that our catalogue includes products that comply with the sustainability strategies of our clients.
Our sales process for essential chemicals includes:
Every new product is analyzed to determine whether its handling requires improvements to installations, processes or infrastructure. During 2015 there were requests to include ten new product families, two of which were rejected because the company lacked the necessary infrastructure for the products’ safe handling, and because there was no profitable business justification for making the investments needed to meet such demands.
None of the incidents reported during the past year
involved non-compliance with regulatory requirements
or voluntary codes.
Given that all the products we manage are subject
to both international and national legislation, for
identifying their degree of risk, it is a requirement
for Pochteca and its customers that 100% of the
products abide by the applicable requirements in
keeping with the type of risk or product in question.
The list of applicable norms includes NOM-018-
We have a procedure for applying customer satisfaction
surveys that is to be conducted once every two years.
The last survey was made in 2014 and based on its
results the necessary corrective actions were taken to
address the problems of the lowest results.
The actions taken were as follows:
Customers can convey their opinions and feedback through the following mechanisms:
In order to assure full compliance with federal law
on personal data in possession of private parties,
during the last two months of 2015 we conducted,
by means of an external agency, a risk evaluation in
relation to our personal and sensitive data handling.
The results of that evaluation will shape a working
plan to address the points of risk that were detected
and the establishment of a privacy committee that
will work to assure and sustain compliance with the
actions and controls deemed necessary. To date, we
have had no complaints in this regard.